Tuesday, March 18, 2008

B. Hussein Obama, faith experience and Reverend Jeremiah

I don't need to hear B. Hussein Obama's speech today. I have a pretty good idea what he is going to say. Obama's lawyers have been working overtime and he has been practicing his sincerity.

Obama will spend the first portion of the speech speaking in bland generalities establishing the following facts:

(1) Racism is wrong.
(2) Unity is good.
(3) The politics of the past must stop.
(4) diviseness has no place in America anymore.
(5) Obama has courageously lived his life by these ideals.
(6) Obama is proud to live in a country where one so brave as himself can overcome racism, disunity, the past, capitalism, and other bad stuff to lead the country in bold pronouncements against war.
(7) Obama is a deeply faithful Christian (just like his Kenyan grandmother) who practices the Christian virtues of high taxes, socialized medicine and big government bureaucracy - just like Jesus.

Obama will talk of his "faith experience" in the same way that Al Gore spoke of his "faith tradition."

After inspiring all of us thusly, Obama will spend the last portion of this speech minimizing the importance of the Reverend Jeremiah. Obama will marginalize the words Jeremiah has spoken, while making himself the hero for refusing to abandon his friend while making clear that Obama himself is above those words.

By the time Obama is done we will wonder what all the fuss was about.

The networks will interview people who will express relief that the controversy is finally over. Instant polls will show that viewers are unconcerned with the private beliefs of the friends of audaciously hopeful candidates.

The network commentaters will remind us that the voters are more concerned with issues such as Bush' creation of hurricanes and global warming. They will tell us how silly it is that people actually say Obama's middle name (the "H" word).

They will tell us how uplifting, hopeful, audacious and courageous the speech was.

Long after tomorrow, historians will point to March 18, 2008 as a turning point. This will be known as the day that Obama confronted the forces of racism that have ruled the U.S. since the time of Christ.

And we will be there to witness history - but only if we are audaciousness enough to hope.

Michelle Malkin has more.

Atlas posts additional information, including Obama's guide on How to Talk to White People.

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